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Tea Anyone?
Welcome to L'Orangerie, the ultimate tea experience for any special occasion! Revisit the past with a Grand Victorian Tea, and help keep the tradition alive with your close friends while meeting new ones. Sip your English breakfast tea from a dainty china tea cup, partake in a lovely dill and cucumber sandwich, savor a buttery scone with clotted cream and jam, relax, laugh, and enjoy the conversation and views of the parlor. L'Orangerie is a beautiful and timeless meeting place..one you will not soon forget!
  • Sip tea and discuss the finer things in life at one of many tea tables
  • Admire the lush green surroundings via the many seating nodes
  • Accessories: Male/Female Cane, Female Pearl Necklace, Sip-able tea cup and saucer
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