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A story in 586 BC applies now in society! ˈmiːniː ˈmiːniː ˈtɛkəl juːˈfɑːsɪn, this is what it looks like in English; Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin. Daniel the prophet knew it meant; Number Number weighed divided. At a banquet, as a show of spoils, sacred Jewish vessels were stolen from the temple and were horribly misused in a most blasphemous manner during the party. At the height of the festivities a man's ghostly disembodied hand was seen writing on the wall! Shaken and terrified all stared at the phenomenon! "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin", meant= Mene: G-d has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. Takel: You have been weighed on the scales of justice and found wanting. Upharsin: Your kingdom is divided. The handwriting on the wall proved true. Everyone was slain that night! There is a lot to be learned by all of this story, including: What we sow, we shall reap. The writing on the wall = An alarming and Important and clear warning! My family and me know there are factions that are against wanting peace harmony happiness. We have fought, and still fighting to turn negative factions into a positive and good life for all. To live in peace, gladness and love is my families and my prayer, and I know our most treasured brother on here feels the same.

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