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My SS is not me, but it is actually my father! It is he who stands apart from the rest, he who helped me through the worst of times. He who held my hand when I fell from my bike that first time, crying because I had skinned my knees. Telling me I needed to get up and try again, never stop trying, to always stay strong. As he lay there needing my strength, I was not strong enough to give it. In the end, the battle was lost, and my father took his final breath, as I stood holding his hand, tears in my eyes.
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DragonRiders of Pern

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Avatar siden 2007-12-30
Age: 51 18+ Age Verified Alder bekræftet
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"Goldrider of Kavanth, Headwoman of Rogue Valley!"

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Character Bio

Name: Morimelar (Name means: Dark Lover)
Age:5000yrs plus (After the first 3000yrs, I stopped counting the years as they past. I realized there was no sense in continuing to count them.) I walked this plane of existence just after man first came into existence. When Demons were still abundant in this world.
Race: Elvamp (Elven and Vampire)
Character Description: Auburn Red hair, for the most part...unless she decides to change it back to black. Violet eye color, and yet there too, unless she changes them, which she has a tendency to do. A petite, but curvy form. Pointy ears, due to her Elven blood that runs through her veins. Sexy, to say the least.
Personality: She is a strong minded woman, stands on her own. Despises those who does her wrong. She is beautiful to some, mysterious to most, and dangerous to all. She has a kind and honest heart. Her honesty runs deep, but her kindness is only for those who shows her the respect she deserves.
History: Many centuries ago, back when humans were still new to this plane of existence, Elvamps came to be. Morimelar being the queen of them all, due to being the first created, by Master Demon Vorlak, maker of the Elvamps and a very intelligent demon. His own blood went into creating the first of us in the beginning. Vorlak's creations had been a secret for many years, just long enough to populate the Western half of the world. While he created...his own creations had gone and procreated on their own to populate more of the world. Years had past, Vorlak's creations had remained cautious, always staying one step ahead of the Master Demons...always remaining undetected. It was not until the world was nearly full of Elvamps, when Vorlak's creations had been discovered. One of the new breeds had made the mistake of encountering one of the Master Demons, costing him his immortal life...but not before the Master Demon Zagonin had extracted the proper information from him. Soon after, Master Demon Vorlak had stood in front of a council of his peers...all who were against his creations, each feeling these creations of Vorlak's, were senseless, and a waste. Each feeling the Elvamps were a threat to their own existence. For his crime, Vorlak had been destroyed.

Morimelar, first female Elvamp created and queen of them all had been furious. Vorlak had been a genius though, and those first made, were strong enough to withstand nearly anything. She sought out some of these Master Demons, destroying them one by one, starting with Master Demon Zagonin. As time passed, new Master Demons replaced the old. Her temper subsided, although...they were still hunted by some...others let them be...even becoming powerful allies to the Elvamps. She even came to know briefly one Master Demon personally, even enjoyed his company from time to time. She still encounters him once every hundred years or so.

More years passed, and Morimelar took on a servant. Kahlina, who is now considered an undead, or rather a half-undead, for she can still die. Only one time did the young woman disobey a direct order, Morimelar had to punish her, by throwing her into a pit of vicious and ravenous hell hounds. Since then, Kahlina has never disobeyed a direct order, and has been a remarkable servant. She is neither seen, nor heard.

As time passed, Morimelar traveled many parts of the world she lived in. In one such travel, she came across a dragon of old. The dragon, Zorgiath had been wary of her...even tried to burn her flesh from her body. But, due to Morimelar's 'special and unique' abilities, she was able to calm the onyx colored beast. She had wished to own the beast, but soon found that none could own such a magnificent creature, and settled for just knowing him. She takes time now and then, to travel to the far edges of the world, just to go visit with the great beast. She had met others in her travels as well, like the purple, Gytanyth...and the gold queen, Jakarian. Each unique in their own ways.

Morimelar now comes here, to settle for a time. Her passion is poetry, which she will either read or write, as time permits. Besides Kahlina...who is in her service, Morimelar is alone in her own realm, rarely associating with those of her kind. But, there are times when another Elvamp will wander her way, and she will entertain them appropriately. She tends to keep to herself, never wanting to draw attention to herself or Kahlina.

It is here where she has found, taken, and made immortal her Elvamp Lord. He is handsome, just as mysterious, and just dangerous as she is. He is cunning, strong, and a great find. He stands beside Morimelar as an equal, cares for her like no other has ever done...just as she cares for him.

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